18+ Only!

Terms of Service:

You must be 18 years of age or older to read this blog or contact the Cuckolding Princess by any means. You must be at least 18 years old to visit the Cuckolding Princess site on Niteflirt. You must also not be offended by websites or contact of a sexual nature.

You must agree that you do not share your computer with others under the age the age of 18 nor do you look at this website or any of the links on this website while someone under the age of 18 in the room with you.

The only information about you collected on this website is your IP address. Any private information such as your email address or phone number is only given to the Niteflirt website. This information is not shared with anyone using this website. Calls are paid for by credit card only. Your credit card number is not shared with Cuckolding Princess or anyone who runs this website.

All customer service is handled by the Niteflirt company. If you have a question about a charge on your credit card, it is best to contact them.

Cuckolding Princess Karin will never meet you in person nor will she give our her private information. This is a fantasy phone website.



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